Date: 3 November 1973
Place: Mexico, Morelos, Cocoyoc
Approx Time: 16:45
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 4+
A Mexican bank official and his family watched a balloon-like flying object stop in front of them, splay out a number of what looked like tentacles and begin to descend. The women panicked as the husband tried to photograph the object, and as it neared the ground, the photographer, responding to his wife's hysteria, got into the car and raced away.
Date: 12 November 1974
Place: Japan, Hokkaido, Obihiro City
Approx Time: 12:00
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 2
At 12:00pm on November 12, 1974, eleven year old twin brothers, Yoshitsugu and Katsuji Iino, were looking at the sky from a back window of their home in Obihiro City when they noticed a mysterious dark disc-like flying object hovering in the sky. One of them went for a camera while the other kept his eyes on the object, and they succeeded in snapping four color photographs before the object rose into the clouds and disappeared from view.
Date: 11 July 1976
Place: Argentina, Entre Rios, Diamante
Approx Time: 10:00
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 2+
At 10:00am on July 11, 1976, Sr. Eduardo Gizzi and his family, driving their automobile from Victoria to Diamante, noticed a very strange flying object approaching at low altitude from the West. At first they thought it was a helicopter because of its compact appearance and low-level altitude, but as it came closer and they could see it in better perspective, they could see that it had no rotor on top and was not shaped like a helicopter. The object took up a position to their right and for some 15 or 20 seconds paralleled the Gizzy automobile. This allowed the witness to take one good color photograph of the flying craft without stopping the automobile.
Date: 20 May 1971
Place: Colombia, Bogota
Approx Time: 12:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 2
At 12:30pm on May 20, 1971, two 16 year old boys, Eduardo Ponce and Jairo Castro Zarate were walking in the La Calera hills northeast of Bogota when they began to descend to the plain below. At that point they saw what they at first thought was a bird in distress, because it was flying in such a strange way. It was "flitting" erratically about with abrupt changes in direction and motion. The boys thought that it was too big to be any kind of bird. They discussed this and decided to take pictures of it with the new Voitlander Vitomatic II, 35mm camera they were carrying. It was equipped with a Prontor SLR lens, which they set at infinity. It was using ASA 100 color negative film at the time. They snapped six photographs of the object before it suddenly flew away.
Date: 10 March 1977
Place: USA, Indiana, Indianapolis
Approx Time: 15:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 6+
At 3:30pm on March 10, 1977, young Ricky Brandenburg was on the porch in front of his house, watching his mother as she leaned on the mailbox to talk to a neighbor lady. She asked him to bring the dog's dish out, and he was just doing so when he happened to look over towards a two-story house to his right, on the far end of the row of houses. He saw a strange object in the sky beyond. As he watched it, it came around into an open space and he could see that what he initially thought was an airplane or helicopter was actually something quite unusual, and he went into the house to get a camera to take a picture of it. He started taking pictures as soon as he returned with the camera. He took five snapshots out in front of the house as the object moved rapidly across his field of view. He thought it was gone and started telling his mother what had happened, when he thought perhaps it would be visible from the back yard. He ran through the house to look, and sure enough, it had come around and was out there, only much closer. He got three more pictures before it went around the house again, so he ran back through the house and out front once more, and saw it in time to get another picture, roll the film, and snap once more as it bobbed a couple of times and rose almost vertically out of sight.
Date: 28 July 1952
Place: USA, New York, NY City
Approx Time: 22:00
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 2+
At 10:00pm on July 28, 1952, August C. Roberts, George Conger and Jim Leyden were on official duty in the local Skywatch Observation Tower. "Jim Leyden was in the tower and George Conger and myself were outside back-to-back, each watching half the sky, when George Conger suddenly remarked, 'Hey, what the hell is that light out there!' And I turned around and looked, and in the direction of the Empire State Building was a glowing - pulsating - machine in the air; not a light now, a machine. It had a rim spinning in a counter-clockwise direction, and a glowing red dot in the center underside of this spinning rim. The object was anywhere from 50' to 100' in diameter. It's motion in the sky was very 'fluid'. We immediately called the Filter Center, and they saw the object on RADAR. I do have a copy of the RADAR report of it in the New York area that night. We watched it for three to five minutes as it was moving in the sky, and I took two pictures of it. The pictures did not come out well because I had borrowed a camera, a small cheap camera that even turned out to have a sticking shutter, that did not close properly and stuck. I had left my Press Cameras at home -- never dreaming of any eventuality such as now was happening. I can readily assure that, had I had my Press Camera there that night, things with the picture would have been a lot different, because I would have been able to properly photograph something that I know is operating in our skies, and it would have been proof. As it is, this is proof to me. All I have to do is close my eyes and there that object is. My mind is closed to the thought that it can not exist. I just can't accept that, for I KNOW."
Date: 1 June 1967
Place: Spain, San Jose de Valderas
Approx Time: 20:00
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 3+
At 8:00pm on June 1, 1967, a group of summer picnickers escaping the heat in the city were lounging in the shade in a small park along the southwest side of Camino a la Colonia. They were across the road from the castle and grounds of San Jose de Valderas, where the Santa Monica convent stood. Just before dusk they were suddenly surprised to see an unusual aircraft approaching at a very low altitude from over the castle beyond the power towers. The towers were of the main east-west power transmission line running through the area. There was also a secondary power line running northwest-southeast and parallel to the road. The object approached from the east toward the power tower, where it made a 300 degree curve to its left and passed horizontally from left to right beyond the road but paralleling it, and at about the distance away as the secondary power line also paralleling its line of flight. After passing the park, it made another curve to the left, back toward the east, where it briefly settled to the ground in the scrub area on the castle grounds a couple of kilometers away, remained a short time, and then rose into the air and flew away.
Date: 7 Ferbruary 1963
Place: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Alberti
Approx Time: 18:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 2+
At 6:30pm on February 7, 1963, Sr. Felix Carrizo and his wife were driving their NSU Prinz automobile westward on Route #5 from Buenos Aires toward La Pampa. They had been driving steadily for some time and pulled off the road for a short rest stop. It was then that Sra. Carrizo noticed a strange aerial vehicle drifting their way. It was a stupendous craft, floating at a steeply inclined angle to the horizon. It was inclined at about 80 degrees above the horizon, sloping only ten degrees from zenith, and was drifting in the air about one hundred meters above the trees. Carrizo estimated the slender cigar-shaped object to be about 200 meters long and 20 meters in diameter. As it got closer he could see that it had a silvery-gray color, and was cylindrical in shape, with a row of six rectangular "windows" along the side which were brightly lighted from inside. The second and third "windows" from the upper end glowed brighter than the others. The light from these panels was so intense that it hurt the eyes to look directly at them. Remembering that his camera, an Alpha-Alnea, was in the trunk of the car, Felix ran to get it, readied it and took one photograph of the machine.
Date: 9 May 1976
Place: Argentina, BsAs, Pehuenco Beach
Approx Time: 18:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 3+
At 6:30pm on May 9, 1976, Ms. Silvia Marie Weber was walking along Pehuenco Beach in Buenos Aires Province, about 60 kilometers northeast of Bahia Blanca, when she saw a number of people watching an unusual luminous yellow-orange capsule-shaped object flying slowly above the surf in the late afternoon sky.
Date: 1 January 1978
Place: New Zealand
Approx Time: 18:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 5+
Called on assignment to investigate several previous sightings of UFOs, a camera crew from a local New Zealand television station chartered a plane to fly them across the disputed sighting area. While making their approach to the bay city where they were to land, they spotted this object maneuvering rapidly in the sky. Air traffic controllers confirmed their sighting as they tracked the object on radar.
Date: 5 September 1955
Place: Brazil, Santos, Cabras Islands
Approx Time: 18:00
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 3+
Dr. Achilles Greco of the Brazilian Navy and some companions were returning from a recreational fishing trip when they observed and photographed a very strange cloud. It was moving independently of other clouds and seemed to be following the boat to port. The cloud began to dissipate revealing a huge disc-shaped metallic craft inside.
Date: 28 June 1989
Place: USA, Texas, Marfa
Approx Time: 18:00
# UFO's: 1+
# Witnesses: 1+
Photographed with special night vision equipment, the Marfa lights were recently under scientific investigation. Researchers could not maintain a specific distance between themselves and the lights, and could not move any closer to the lights after repeated attempts. This phenomena has been observed for over a 100 years. Considerable debate has been conducted as to the possible extraterrestrial origin of the lights. No conclusive evidence has ever been made public.
Date: 12 June 1975
Place: Switzerland, Berg-Rumlikon
Approx Time: 10:30
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 1+
In the morning of June 12, 1975, Eduard J. Meier was telepathically alerted and guided to another contact, again being advised that his camera would be permitted. This time he was led around on his moped for over an hour, finally stopping on a dirt service road beyond a field along the paved road from Theilingen to Rumlikon, Between Berg and Rumlikon. He was carrying a loaned 8mm movie camera and tripod as well as his 35mm camera and another 35mm belonging to a friend, because his own camera still had a jammed focus adjustment and a broken viewer. He set up the tripod and mounted the movie camera on it. He readied the 35mm cameras and laid them out in readiness. Then he spotted the spacecraft approaching in the haze in the far distance. After taking a picture of the object he noticed another identical ship higher in the sky, evidently to protect the one posing at low altitude.
Date: 6 January 1978
Place: Switzerland, Berg-Rumlikon
Approx Time: 10:45
# UFO's: 1
# Witnesses: 1+
At 10:45am on January 6, 1978, four witnesses observed a circular object flying over their boat on their way to Camelo. The object was an opaque coppery color surrounded by a thin corona.
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